
Medical Tuina Massage

From the translation, the name of this traditional medical massage form means Tuī = pushing, ná = grasping. With a variety of techniques, whole energy strands of the body are specifically treated to release local blockages and stimulate energy flow and relaxation.

Tuina massage is a full-body massage that uses a variety of massage techniques. It is based on a variety of hand movements such as tui (pushing) and na (grasping), stroking, pressing, rubbing, tapping, clapping and vibrating. This involves ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints.

According to your TCM diagnosis, selected meridians and acupuncture points are focused on. Chiropractic grips and mobilisation stretches are also integral parts of the Tuina massage; these manual techniques are used to release joint and muscle blockages.

Tuina is particularly effective for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, back pain, arthrosis, migraine, as a supportive therapy after a stroke, after injuries or for muscle tension. It can also be used to positively influence inner disharmonies, relieve tension and increase physical mobility.